- Astonishingly Superior
- Adds Body, Texture, & Thickness
- To Fine or Thinning Hair
- Layered Scent
- Premium Quality Barber Grade
- Make Your Hair Speak Volumes
- Not Tested On Animals
At Cremo, we are dedicated to creating the most extraordinary scents known to hair kind. That´s why we have experts whose sole job it is make the best fragrances out there. We call it good uncommon scents.
Cremo Thickening Formula
Cleanse + Add Body + Thicken
Looking for a shampoo that will give your fine or thinning hair a boost? This shampoo was designed with you in mind. It delivers volume, thickness, and body with a scent that will knock your socks off. Which is good, since you probably don´t want to wear those in the shower anyway.
We prefer you use Cremo barber grade hair styling products with our shampoos, but hey, it´s your hair.
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Можливі назви товару: |
Цремо Згушхуйучий шампун', Cremo Згущуючий шампунь № 15, Cremo Zgushhujuchij shampun' № 15. |
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