- Family Soapmakers Since 1858
- Certified Fair Trade
- Made with Organic Oils
- Dr. Bronner's All-One!® Magic Soaps
- No Detergents
- Over 150 Years & 5 Generations of Soap Excellence
- No Foaming Agents
- Certified under The USDA National Organic Program
- 100% Biodegradable!
In all we do, let us be generous, fair & loving to Space Earth and all its inhabitants. For we're All-One or None! All-One!
Dilute: Enjoy 1 soap for 18 different uses! Shave-shampoo-shower-bath-mop-launder-degrease! Dr. Bronner's Pure Castile is the very best soap for body, home and Spaceship Earth! Synthetic preservatives? Detergents? Foaming agents? None! Health is our greatest wealth! Enjoy Body rub to stimulate body-mind-soul-spirit and teach the Essence Moral ABC uniting all free in the shepherd-astronomer Israel's greatest All-One-God-Faith!
Dr. Bronner's is Certified
- Fair for Life Fair Trade
- Oregon Tilth Certified Organic
- Leaping Bunny Certified - Not animal tested
- Certified Vegan
- Non GMO Project Verified
Рекомендації із застосування
2-3x more concentrated than many leading liquid soaps, cleansers & bodywashes. Dilute with water. Clouds when cold. Put in warm room/water; clears at above 70°F
Enjoy only 2 cosmetics, enough sleep & Dr. Bronner's Magic Soap' to clean body-mind-soul-spirit instantly uniting one! Absolute cleanliness is godliness! For facial packs, scalp & soothing body rub, and dash on bath towel in sink of hot water. Wring out. Lay over face & scalp. Massage with finger tips. Repeat 3 or 4 times 'til arms, leg & all are rubbed, always towards the heart. Rinse towel in pain hot water and massage again. Breathe deeply!
Dilute! Dilute! OK!
- One small squirt applied to wet washcloth to wash hands-face-body.
- Work 1/2 tbsp. into wet hair, rinse with Dr. Bromer's Organic Hair Rinse.
- Dilute 1:10 with water for hand-washed dishes, best in soft water.
- For laundry, 1/3 - 1/2 c. soap in large load, add 1/2 c. vinegar in rinse cycle.
- Mop floor with 1/2 c. soap diluted in 3 gal. of hot water.
- Wash dog by wetting fur, massage soap in for good lather, rinse well.
- A dash in bowl of water to remove residue from Fruit & Veggies. Rinse clean.
- All-Purpose Cleaner: add 1/4 c. of soap to qt. of water in spray bottle.
- One tbsp. in qt. of water to spray plants for bugs. Dash of cayenne optional.
- Shave face-underarms-legs: lather up 5-10 drops in wet hands, apply.
Не пийте мило! Запобігати потрапляння в очі. Якщо кришка забивається, виткніть її. Не стискайте пляшку і не викидайте мило. Мило може забитися та бризнути з дозаторів-насосів. Добре промити очі водою протягом 15 хвилин. Зверніться до лікаря, якщо подразнення не зникає.
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Др. Броннер'с 18-ин-1 Хемп Бабы Унсцентед Пуре-Цастиле Соап, Dr. Bronner's 18-in-1 Hemp Baby Unscented Pure-Castile Soap 32 fl oz (946 ml), Dr. Bronner's 18-in-1 Hemp Baby Unscented Pure-Castile Soap 32 fl oz (946 ml). |
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