The Power of Arbor Vitae (White Cedar)
Arbor Vitae, Latin for "tree of life", is an established remedy to safely remove skin tags. When blended with therapeutic grade essential oils, our skin tag remedy results in safe and effective skin tag removal time after time. This is a one of a kind solution and guaranteed to work.
Skin Tag Removal Extra Strength
Extra strength remedy is highly concentrated and contains naturally occurring phytochemicals and antioxidants. Our medicine works by causing the skin tag to gradually and safely dissolve, or fall off its entirely, in as soon as one week. The treatment also encourages healthy skin cells to repair damaged tissue o help avoid scarring.
Powerful Medicine Prescribed by Nature
Forces of Nature proudly provides powerful organic medicines which deliver results time after time. Our organic medicinal plant extracts are sourced from elite growers from all over the planet. This includes high in the Himalayan, Andes, and Rocky Mountains- Madagascar- the island of Java and Corsica: and pristine locations in California. We provide the ultimate in purity and therapeutic value for our treatments and customers. These are the world's first line of USDA organic medicines and proudly made in the USA.
All our ingredients are organic, sustainably grown, and Fair Trade. We insist on the highest quality standards and believe in the power of our treatments. We think you will too. Satisfaction guarantee.
Uses - Relief for non-cancerous polyps/skin growths.
Рекомендації із застосування
Перед застосуванням добре збовтати. Нанесіть засіб прямо на наріст шкіри. Застосовуйте тричі на день, поки проблема існує.Інші інгредієнти
Drug FactsActive ingredientsPurpose
Thuja occidentalis* 6X
Remedy for Polyps and Skin GrowthsCalendula officinalis* 6X Heals Damaged SkinInactive ingredients Lavandin oil*, sesame oil*, tea tree oil*
*USDA Certified Organic
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Форцес оф Натуре засіб від бородавок, Forces of Nature засіб від бородавок органічна рослинна медицина, Forces of Nature zasіb vіd borodavok organіchna roslinna medicina. |
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