Black Tea with Cinnamons, Orange and Sweet Cloves.
Hot Cinnamon Sunset
A remarkably assertive tea.
Character: A medium-bodied tea loaded with sweet and spicy flavors.
Effects: Wow!
Brewing Time: Boiling water, 5 minutes.
Caffeine Content: 40-60 milligrams.
A family collaboration gave rise to HT: Unique & Uncommon Tea blending. HT is grounded in the Harney tradition of providing the finest quality full-leaf teas and herbs, all packed in a stunning silken tea sachet. You can now enjoy the sophistication of full-leaf teas with teabag convenience.
Рекомендації із застосування
The Correct Way to Brew Black Tea
Heat pot with boiling water until warm to the touch. Discard that water and use one sachet for two cups of tea. Pour boiling water over sachet and steep 5 minutes.
Інші інгредієнти
Чорний чай, цедра апельсина, натуральний і штучний ароматизатор кориці, кориця, гвоздики.
Вміст кофеїну: 40-60 міліграм.
Hand picked Chinese black tea are carefully blended with cinnamons, sweet cloves, orange peel, natural and artificial flavors.
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Харнеы &амп; Сонс ХТ Теа Бленд, Harney & Sons HT Tea Blend Hot Cinnamon Sunset, Harney & Sons HT Tea Blend Hot Cinnamon Sunset. |
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