Darjeeling, located in the Himalayas of Northeaster India, is an area said to produce the 'Champagne of Black Teas'. It is one of the four main tea growing regions in India and the highest in elevation at 6,000 feet. The area comprises approximately 86 tea estates covering three districts (Darjeeling, Kerseong & Kalimpong).
The Prized First Flush
The term 'First Flush' refers to the first plucking season of the year, which takes place from March to mid-April. Teas from the first flush are generally more fragrant and light.
After the newly sprouted leaves have been plucked, they are withered over warm air for a few hours to reduce moisture, and then a delicate rolling of the leaves if performed. The leaves being to oxidize (change colors from green to dark) and the flavor develops. Finally, the leaves are oven baked.
Flavor Profile
The term most often in describing Darjeeling tea is 'Muscatel', referring to the distinct white grape flavor. First flush Darjeeling has several textures to the brew, a slightly dry taste and lasting aftertaste.
Рекомендації із застосування
Пивоваріння Darjeeling
Заваріть одну чайну ложку листя у восьми унціях фільтрованої води при 185°F протягом чотирьох хвилин.
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Тхе Тао оф Теа Органічний ароматний індійс'кий чорний чай Дарджилінг першого збору, The Tao of Tea Органічний ароматний індійський чорний чай Дарджилінг першого збору, The Tao of Tea Organіchnij aromatnij іndіjs'kij chornij chaj Dardzhilіng pershogo zboru. |
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